"All the way from Bagram, Afghanistan, this is the 10th Combat Aviation Brigade, Delta Company 3rd 126th Aviation, part of the Massachusetts National Guard, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, wishes the Red Sox the best luck in the World Series...BOSTON STRONG!"
If you didn't know, that's my brother Dan, speaking. I really can't articulate how good it is to actually see him and hear his voice; I suppose relief is really the best word to use. As a tight-knit family, to have any of us missing from any family event makes it feel incomplete. But if I trust anyone to represent the United States of America well, it's him.
During the Boston Marathon bombing, this unit flew directly into Watertown. But Dan said it better than I ever could:
"It was an honor for our crews to be a part, while only a small supporting part, of the amazing job the men and women of local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies did on the ground last week to restore safety in the Boston community. We offer a tip of the cap to your incredible work! Thanks for keeping us safe!"
Boston Strong means a little more to a unit that was called into action directly after the blasts and rushed into the city. These men and women risk their lives to keep us safe, whether it's foreign or domestic.
So, if you can, share this video and tweet at Boston sports outlets. Let's try and get them to air the message and give a thanks back to the soldiers still in Afghanistan, keeping us safe. Go Sox!!!
As always, "Other things may change us, but we start and end with family."-AB
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