Has anyone else ever received an email like this from an 8-year-old? I can't imagine many people have. What's amazes me most is that Caity facilitated, planned and put on a whole "circus" for about 100 people. We had popcorn, we had animals, we had clowns, we had a fire breather. We even had a girl on stilts. Everyone participated-young, old, friend, family, animal, human. Sure, we might have all looked like idiots dressed up in wigs and costumes, but we came together, created memories, and got some pretty great photos from the whole ordeal.
Dan, my fire breathing brother
A clown of course
We even had an aunt "shoot" out of a cannon
We might sound crazy. Our traditions might sound bizarre. You might think, "who are these people?" We're people who get together for holidays, who make fools of ourselves, who stick with traditions, who find a way to see each other once a year, despite the chaotic lives we all lead. And yeah, when an 8-year-old gives us the option to participate in a circus, we're going to do it.
Fourth of July has always been my favorite holiday. When I was young, all my friends would say Christmas was their favorite or even halloween. Presents and candy? Hell yeah, I like those too. But the Fourth of July trumped those holidays for me then and it still does now. While the Fourth of July may just be another day for most people, maybe a cookout and some fireworks, for me, it's always meant family and there's nothing better than that.
This is most of us on my mom's side right after the circus-just missing a few!
What family traditions do you have? What do they signify to you? Comment, share or tweet me your favorite family traditions!
As always, "Other things may change us, but we start and end with family."-AB
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