- Your parents never got your name right on the first try. This is something I know all of my siblings have experienced, primarily from my dad. Whenever he's trying to call someones name it starts with, "Hey Pat!...I mean Dan...no Con-...sorry MATT!" Fair, he's got four sons, sometimes that must be tricky to get them all straight. What's not as forgivable, however, is when he refers to me as "Maddie," my dog, or calls one of my brothers by a name that none of them have, like Kevin, his brother's name. No matter who he's actually trying to speak with, he usually doesn't get it right on the first try.
- You were always the last one to reach any personal milestone. Graduating from college in May? Not so exciting when you're the fifth kid. What is exciting for my parents, however, is the end of the "paying out their ass for college tuition" era.
- Your siblings would never pass up an opportunity to embarrass or annoy you. Oh yeah, this one is for sure. I specifically remember sitting at my kitchen table one evening with my brother Matt and a few of his friends when my brother Pat made up a rumor that I was constipated and told everyone. Pat must have just learned the word and decided it would be HILARIOUS to tell everyone. Not so funny for me. I hid in my room for the remainder of the night and have done my best to black out that memory. Besides now, and I'm sharing it with the internet.
- You were always the one who had to try something first. Have you ever eaten the tail of a shrimp? Probably not, because everyone takes those off. One Christmas, my brothers tricked me into thinking the tail was the most delicious part of the shrimp and encouraged me to eat it. Haven't eaten shrimp since.
- You always had to be player 2. Video games were a hot topic in our house and usually ended in a fist fight, among my brothers of course. Who was going to play with the best controller and be on the best team always caused a dispute. I, on the other hand, was never encouraged to play because, "video games are for boys."
These are just a few on the long list of why being an only child has it's perks. On the other hand, what's life without a little entertainment and conflict?
What do your siblings do that drives you crazy? Comment and share!
As always, "Other things may change us, but we start and end with family"-AB
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