Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Snapshots and Memories

There is always so much I can and want to say about my family, but pictures are worth a thousand words, right? 

Feel free to share, comment or just enjoy.

"Other things may change us, but we start and end with family"-AB

Sunday, November 24, 2013

5 Reasons Older Siblings Are The Worst

You may remember my most recent post, "5 Reasons Siblings Are The Best," but all of us who have siblings know that sometimes, they're the worst. Not really the, "I hate you never speak to me again" kind of worst but more of the, "You couldn't be more annoying if you tried" type of worst. From another Buzzfeed inspired post, "The 24 Worst Parts of Having Older Siblings," I thought I'd share a few that resonated most with the Quinn Family experiences.

  • Your parents never got your name right on the first try. This is something I know all of my siblings have experienced, primarily from my dad. Whenever he's trying to call someones name it starts with, "Hey Pat!...I mean Dan...no Con-...sorry MATT!" Fair, he's got four sons, sometimes that must be tricky to get them all straight. What's not as forgivable, however, is when he refers to me as "Maddie," my dog, or calls one of my brothers by a name that none of them have, like Kevin, his brother's name. No matter who he's actually trying to speak with, he usually doesn't get it right on the first try.
  • You were always the last one to reach any personal milestone. Graduating from college in May? Not so exciting when you're the fifth kid. What is exciting for my parents, however, is the end of the "paying out their ass for college tuition" era.
  • Your siblings would never pass up an opportunity to embarrass or annoy you. Oh yeah, this one is for sure. I specifically remember sitting at my kitchen table one evening with my brother Matt and a few of his friends when my brother Pat made up a rumor that I was constipated and told everyone. Pat must have just learned the word and decided it would be HILARIOUS to tell everyone. Not so funny for me. I hid in my room for the remainder of the night and have done my best to black out that memory. Besides now, and I'm sharing it with the internet.
  • You were always the one who had to try something first. Have you ever eaten the tail of a shrimp? Probably not, because everyone takes those off. One Christmas, my brothers tricked me into thinking the tail was the most delicious part of the shrimp and encouraged me to eat it. Haven't eaten shrimp since. 
  • You always had to be player 2. Video games were a hot topic in our house and usually ended in a fist fight, among my brothers of course. Who was going to play with the best controller and be on the best team always caused a dispute. I, on the other hand, was never encouraged to play because, "video games are for boys."
These are just a few on the long list of why being an only child has it's perks. On the other hand, what's life without a little entertainment and conflict?

What do your siblings do that drives you crazy? Comment and share!

As always, "Other things may change us, but we start and end with family"-AB

Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Quinn Family Addition

At last, the Quinn Family has expanded and a new generation of Quinn's is upon us. His name is William John Quinn and he was born a whopping 9.5 pounds and 22 inches long. He'll be a linebacker, we've joked. His name comes from William, Abby's father's name, and John, my father's name. I think I finally understand why parents brag about their kids so much. Will isn't even my baby and I want to put his picture up in Times Square and show the world how perfect and amazing and cute my nephew is.

In all of my 21 years, I've never seen my brother as happy as he was than when his son was born. The pride, joy, relief and excitement could be felt throughout the room. Here is Will, the most perfect baby I've ever known.

 My brother Matt, holding his son Will

 Will bonding with his only auntie, me!

I just had to add this-my brother Pat (age 23) sent out this snapchat of the baby...
because we couldn't be THAT mature.

It really doesn't take much for me to cry, so it's no wonder the tears were flowing when I first saw a picture of him and again when I met him in real life. While I am so incredibly grateful Abby and Will are happy and healthy, I can't wait until Dan comes home and we're all a big family again.

I can promise that you won't find better or more loving parents for Will than Matt and Abby and that we already love him more than he'll ever know. So brace yourself, World, another Quinn boy has just entered. 

As always, "Other things may change us, but we start and end with family"-AB

The Waiting Game

The phone rang at 2 this morning. "Abby's water broke," my brother told my mom. She hopped out of bed, changed and was out the door in a flash. As a maternity nurse of almost 30 years, there was no chance she was missing the birth of her first grandchild.

But then started the waiting game for me, my dad and brothers. What's happening? Is the baby born? Is Abby okay? Why is this taking so long? We've waited 9 months, so why does today feel like an eternity?

Then came the text at 8 AM. from my mom. "Abby's doing well. 8 cm dilated, hopefully he'll be here within the next few hours."

But the waiting continued. 9 AM, 10 AM, 11 AM. No news. Ugh, "I should do something to take my mind off of this," I told myself. So I worked out, I showered, I ate lunch. Still no news. So I played with the dogs and kept waiting.

And then at 1:57...............

Want to know what happens next? Stay tuned for my next blog post! Any last predictions for names?

As always, "Other things may change us, but we start and end with family"-AB

Friday, November 22, 2013

Family Photo Friday!

Happy Friday, everyone!

Today is Family Photo Friday, which means another ludicrous photo of the Quinn family. This week features Pat and me when I was about two years old. You might notice a dark area around my right eye, and yes, it is a black eye. My brothers put me on our two year old golden retriever, Katie, and sent me down the driveway on her back. Naturally, that ended exactly how you'd expect-pretty terribly-and I ended up with a black eye and scratch faced. But I rebounded and the moneymaker has remained intact ever since. If it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger, right?

So here is week 2 of the caption contest; post in the comment section or tweet at me! The most clever will win next weeks!

As always, "Other things may change us, but we start and end with family"-AB

Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Family We Choose

This blog about my family wouldn't be complete without mentioning those who are just as close as family, my friends.  These are the people we don't have to love, we don't have to get along with, we don't have to build relationships with, but we choose to. We accept them for their flaws and support them in their endeavors, not because we have to but because we want to. Of all the friends that have been like family to me, there are a few in particular that I just couldn't live without. These four are my best friends, my sisters and the women I depend on when I'm away from family.

Madeline, Sam, Natalia, Me, Darya

First, we've got Madeline. Mad and I have been roommates since freshman year of college and have grown together and been through more experiences (good and bad) together than with anyone else. People often mix up our names; I've become used to answering to Madeline and she to Meaghan. But more importantly, we're there for each other, regardless of the bullshit in life, and I know we always will be. We've joked about living in the same neighborhood and raising our kids together, but at the end of the day I think there's a little truth to our jokes because we can't imagine not being close together. She'll be at my wedding, likely standing next to me as my maid of honor, and known as Auntie Madeline to my children. She's more a part of me than most people and I really couldn't live without her.

Next, there's Darya and we've lived together for almost 2 years. She's one of the least judgmental and most supportive people I have ever met, which are two truly unique characteristics of friends these days. I can talk to her forever about things plaguing me, knowing she'll give great advice or be a shoulder to lean on. She always tells me I'm not a very affectionate person, which is true, but I gave her a hug today so that speaks volumes about our friendship.

Sam is one-of-a-kind. We met after joining the same sorority freshman year and instantly clicked. Sam and I agree on almost every aspect of life-our beliefs, our upbringing, our political views, our social views, etc. We can also bitch at each other like sisters, but it never impacts our friendship. After knowing Sam for a few years, she's definitely a guarded person that doesn't open up to everyone, but she's opened up to me. We've got a pretty unique friendship and really just accept each other for who we are.

Last, but certainly not least, there is Natalia. We actually met through Sam and have been close ever since. She's the type of person you always want around and has the most infectious personality and positive outlook on life. She's the friend that you can grab a beer and laugh about life with or snuggle in bed and complain about anything with. We come from similar families with similar backgrounds and just fit together. I couldn't imagine my college experience without her.

As I near the end of college, I don't know what I'll do next year if we all don't stay in Boston. I'm not quite ready to give up the nights we spend together watching movies at my apartment or acting like fools in T's Pub. I know that even in the future, no matter where we're living or working, we'll remain as close as we are now and appreciate the time we spend together even more.

I recognize that not everyone is super close with their immediate family, but friends are just as important and can be as close as family. I can't tell you how many times I've leaned on these girls or shared things with them I didn't share with my family. No matter who you consider family, hold them close, don't take them for granted, remind them you love them. If you're feeling super sentimental, maybe even give them a hug (I keep those for very special occasions.)

As always, "Other things may change us, but we start and end with family"-AB

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Let's Keep in Touch

How many times have we said "Let's keep in touch!" to our family members, especially distant family members, after a great weekend or a holiday together and never made it happen? Too many. "Remind me to call your Aunt," "Remind me to call my cousin," "Remind me to send her a birthday card." These are standard conversations we're all used to hearing. But we get busy, we get lazy, we get caught up and forget to do the things we promised we'd do. As the holidays approach and you'll likely see those family members you promised you'd keep in touch with last year, I thought I'd share a few strategies I use with my family to stay connected.

  • Family email chain. This is super easy and definitely works best with immediate family. As my brother says, "the spirit of this chain is to make the communication easy; we do not need a daily update on everything but it will be nice to hear from people." We started this email chain when Dan left for Afghanistan, but it's been a great tool for everyone to update each other on different happenings.
  • Adding everyone on social media. As silly as it sounds, why not follow or friend your aunts, uncles, cousins and siblings on social media? You might not want your whole family to see you chugging from a bottle of champagne, but let's be real people, that probably shouldn't be on Facebook anyway. Plus, social media is a great way for everyone to keep in touch. Since I have almost 50 cousins on my mom's side, I often forget where they go to college or when their birthdays are, but an extra reminder from the social media we are already checking daily goes a long way. 
  • Make time. It's easy to get caught up in our own lives, and I'm guilty of that for sure. But making time for each other is the best way to keep a family close. My family started monthly family dinners, where we all get together and just catch up. They've ranged from fancy dinners in the North End to pizza parties at my parents house. We always invite friends and significant others and put aside our crazy lives, even if just a few hours. Maybe monthly isn't feasible for your family, so make it every other month or twice a year or even use a Google Hangout to virtually eat at the same time. All that matter is that you make time for each other.

As always, "Other things may change us, but we start and end with family"-AB

Quinn Family Addition (Coming Soon!)

The Quinn Family baby boy is coming within the next few days, and the latest update is that he already weighs over 9 pounds (what a chunk!) My family played a guessing game with birth date, weight and name-and we've all already lost!

And just for fun, to brighten your Hump Day, check out this Buzzfeed post about a baby and a dog.

The result is...well, just as adorable as you'd imagine.

Does anyone have any guesses for the newest additions birth date, weight and name? Post in the comment section below!

Monday, November 18, 2013

3 Times I Felt "So Adult" As A Kid

While reading Buzzfeed the other day, I stumbled across a great article: "14 Times You Felt 'So Adult' As A Kid." Immediately, stories from my childhood popped into my head so I thought I'd share vignettes from just a few.

  • Buying your first CD with your hard-earned allowance money. I'll never forget this day or the lyrics to any of the songs on Britney's "Baby One More Time" album. My dad, Pat and I hopped into our tiny red two-door pickup truck and went to the redemption center to cash in Bud heavy bottles for precious coins. After we received the loot, my dad took us to Strawberries' music store and let us each pick our own CD-I chose Britney Spears and Pat chose Lui Vega's "Mambo Number 5" and we spent the rest of that Saturday jamming out to our Walkman CD players. And now I feel really old because Strawberries, CD's and Walkman no longer exist.
  • When you were allowed to prepare your first meal by yourself. As the youngest of five kids, we'll just say my upbringing was a little more "lax" than your standard. I can't remember how old we were (old enough), but for some reason Pat and I were home alone and hungry for some breakfast. As the older child, Pat assured me that he'd take care of breakfast for us and popped some Eggo waffles into the toaster oven...along with the plastic plate that our mom always served them on. Well, plastic and heat don't quite interact so well and we had a bit of a situation on our hands. After that, we were allowed only cereal or granola bars for breakfast and banned from using the stove or toaster oven until an adult was home. 
  • The first time you got to put some fancy lipstick on. I could write about my experiences with makeup, but a picture is worth a thousand words, right?
Me (middle) with my cousins Grace (left) and Eily (right) with blush, blush and more blush, just the tiniest touch of lipstick and matching bathing suits.

Do you have any great childhood stories about wanting to grow up? Comment or share!

As always, "Other things may change us, but we start and end with family."-AB

Sunday, November 17, 2013

5 Reasons Siblings Are The Best

Can't live with them, can't live without them. That's how my teenage self would likely explain my sentiments towards my brothers. They were infuriating, outrageous, over-protective and downright annoying. But, they're also the biggest support system and best friends I could ever ask for-and here's 5 reasons siblings rock.

  • You'll always have a cheering section. Even when you'd reaaaaallllly rather not have your 25-year-old brother yelling, "KILL HER!!!!" at your high school tennis match, you will. But it's only because he cares and wants to see you succeed. 
  • No matter how bad you mess up, it's only a matter of time before someone else does too. Fail your history test? No worries. It's likely someone else is going to get caught drinking Mom's pinot grigio and or Dad's skunked beer, which will probably be a bigger issue. And then someone else might get a speeding ticket or caught skipping class and you're in the clear. When you've got siblings, take heart in knowing there's a finite amount of time that you're the dumbest.
  • Holidays are more fun. Seriously, who wants to be an only child on Christmas? Awesome, I'll sit here, opening presents by myself, unknowingly showing them to the people who bought them for me. No way, siblings always make it exciting and chaotic. *Cue the "Dale got hulk hands?!" video from stepbrothers.*

  • People support your ideas, no matter how bad they are. One time Pat encouraged me to open a candle making store and even helped find a property, because someone was definitely going to rent to an 8-year-old or invest in the super lucrative business of candle making. But his support made me feel like I could be the next Yankee Candle Company, which was better than any profit I'd have made anyway. 
  • Unconditional, lifelong friendships. In all honesty, siblings are amazing. They're the best friends, the best supporters, the best entertainment. They'll make you laugh when you want to cry, they'll take your side even when you're wrong, they'll fend off anyone who even comes close to hurting you. They'll motivate you, they'll teach you, they'll pave the way or follow in your footsteps. And eventually, they'll fall in love, get married, give you new siblings (finally sisters, in my case), and the honor of becoming an aunt (or uncle). 

What do you think is the best part about having siblings? Comment or share!

As always, "Other things may change us, but we start and end with family."-AB

Friday, November 15, 2013

Family Photo Friday!

Happy Friday, everyone!

I thought it might be fun to start Family Photo Fridays, since I have a bank of some pretty great, potentially embarrassing photos of my family. Submit a clever caption in the comments or tweet at me and I'll reveal the winner on the next Family Photo Friday!

So, here's the first from 3 years ago of Dan and Rosie on Thanksgiving. 

As always, "Other things may change us, but we start and end with family"-AB

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Family Vacation-All I Ever Wanted

Family vacations were always cause for excitement. 5 kids, 2 parents and a dog piling into a minivan or, if we were super lucky, getting on a plane. It didn't necessarily matter what the destination was or who we were going to see, but the fact that we were changing scenery and adding a little excitement to our otherwise boring suburban lives was thrilling enough.

Disney, ski trips to Maine and Vermont, Arizona, Washington D.C., the Bahamas, Italy, Ireland twice and countless trips to our house in Claryville. These are the places we've traveled and explored together. Although I may not have realized it when I was younger, I think these family vacations have helped to make us as close as we are by creating priceless memories and shared experiences.

 Disney, 1996. Check out those grins.

Arizona, 1998, visiting the grandparents.

The "younger years" family vacations were a blast for us; they meant all-you-can-drink soda (which always made Pat throw up), no bedtime, relatives galore and best of all, missing school. We'd play the license plate game, jump on hotel beds (or cots) and devour the crappy continental breakfast as if it were decadent cuisine. While these vacations meant tons of carefree fun, I've definitely appreciated the vacations we've had in more recent years for different reasons. 

These trips were when I was 16 and we traveled to Ireland, when I was 18 and we traveled to Italy, and most recently, when everyone came to Dublin to visit me while I was studying abroad.

Ballyhaunis, Ireland 2008, in front of the house my grandfather lived in

Rome, Italy 2011 (only missing Dan, he was in flight school)

Wexford, Ireland 2013

These three family vacations all have something in common: rain. Just kidding, they were all so fun and so meaningful and so memorable, but it does happen to be raining in all three of the photos above. We make the best out of rainy days though, you just can't slow down the Quinns. I think I appreciate these trips a little more because we're all older and busier so any time that we do get to spend all together is that much more meaningful.

During our first trip to Ireland, we were able to see where my grandfather was born and lived before coming to America. The best part of this trip was that he was there to explain everything to us-from the shed he was born in to the house he eventually moved into. There were still dishes and teapots in the house, as if one day they just picked up and left. Experiencing where my family comes from with my entire family is something I'll never forget.

Now, family vacations are more about the stories we'll share with our kids someday, the time spent together and the memories created than unlimited sodas and missing school. They're about getting together, experiencing new cultures and taking time away from our busy lives to connect with each other. Some people may dread their family vacations, but for us they're an excuse to leave reality behind and have a blast together. And I guess it doesn't hurt that my family happens to be a really fun set of goofballs.

Do you have any family vacation stories? Comment or share!

As always, "Other things may change us, but we start and end with family."-AB

Monday, November 11, 2013

Thoughts on Veterans Day

This Veterans Day is a little different, a little special, a little more difficult than others have been. Throughout the duration of the war on terrorism in both Iraq and Afghanistan, I've had family members down in the trenches. My cousin Adam, my uncle Tom, my cousin John. But there's something so different about having a brother fighting in a war. Something so worrisome. Something so real.

I remember the days leading up to Dan's deployment. We went down to Otis Air Field on the Cape and had a departure ceremony for all the deploying soldiers. I was doing alright until I saw tiny little kids with signs that said, "I'll Miss You Daddy," and pregnant women who would give birth to their children without their husbands by their side. All of a sudden, the sacrifice that these men, women and families make became abundantly clear and emotions overwhelmed me. For me, for you, for celebrities in their Beverly Hills mansions to go about our daily routines, others have to risk their lives.

So today, and every day, we should be thankful for the veterans who risk their lives for us. If you feel compelled, here are a few easy ways to get involved.

  1. Download the Charity Miles application and log miles for the Wounded Warrior Project-it's entirely free to you
  2. Donate to Soldier Socks, a nonprofit organization that sends essential items to soldiers on the battlefield and provides support, employment help and other services after soldiers return home
  3. Thank a member of the armed services, even when it's not Veterans Day
  4. Get involved with any other nonprofit that helps armed service members, including Soldiers' Angels and Pets for Vets
The men and women who risk their lives daily so the rest of us can live comfortably and freely deserve more than just a day, they deserve our constant praise, thanks and respect. 

And Dan, I'll be counting down the days until you're back on US soil, safe and healthy. 

As always, "Other things may change us, but we start and end with family"-AB

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A Very Quinn Halloween

 Halloween 1993

Halloween was always a highlight for the Quinn family. The majority of my memories are shared with my brothers Conor and Pat, simply because they're the closest in age. Months were spent picking out the best costume, which was usually a pirate, a ninja turtle, or a football player for them and a fairy or a princess for me. We live in what's arguably the best neighborhood in town for trick-or-treating and had some precious intel from our older brothers about what houses were a must-go and which were a major-skip (i.e.the ones that gave those popcorn balls, ew). It was a strategic event for us; how could we get not only the most candy, but also the best candy, in the shortest amount of time? A challenge we happily accepted.

Our Halloween day would go a little something like this:

  • 8am-3pm-Sit in school all day anticipating the evening
  • 3pm-3:05pm-Upon arriving back home, IMMEDIATELY change into costume 
  • 3:05pm-5:30pm-Sitting, waiting, watching the clock tick
  • 5:30pm-6:00pm-Dinner
  • 6:00pm-6:30-Organize pumpkin candy buckets, ghost flashlights and finalize costumes
  • 6:30pm-It's go time
  • 8:30pm-Arrive back home, exhausted, face-makeup smudged, but with a gold mine of sweets
  • 8:30-9:30pm-Trade candy-like it's the NFL draft
  • 9:30pm-Collapse into bed

I can't stress how important the trade portion of the evening was to us. After carefully arranging all of our loot in a strategic fashion on the living room floor, the trading process began. Obviously, there was a hierarchy of candy. Reese's peanut butter cups trumped all. They were the most powerful bartering tool. Supply and demand, catch my drift? "I'll give you four packs of Nerds for one Reese's peanut butter cup." "I'll give you two Milkyway's for a Snickers." "I'll give you ALL of my Almond Joys for your big Hershey's bar." (Almond Joys were always a tough sell). This went on for what seemed like forever until we were all happy with what we got. Best part? My parents dumped it all into one bag the next day and we all happily shared anyway. But it was a blast and I have some of my best memories from our trick-or-treating days.

I can't wait for the next Halloween, where I will undoubtedly be taking my nephew on his first trick-or-treating experience. As for this Halloween, I thought I'd share some comedy from Crest:

And with that, I wish everyone a happy, safe and super fun Halloween!

Do you have any Halloween traditions? What was the best candy in your house? Comment or share!

As always, "Other things may change us, but we start and end with family."-AB

Friday, October 25, 2013

A Message to Red Sox Nation...From Afghanistan

"All the way from Bagram, Afghanistan, this is the 10th Combat Aviation Brigade, Delta Company 3rd 126th Aviation, part of the Massachusetts National Guard, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, wishes the Red Sox the best luck in the World Series...BOSTON STRONG!"

If you didn't know, that's my brother Dan, speaking. I really can't articulate how good it is to actually see him and hear his voice; I suppose relief is really the best word to use. As a tight-knit family, to have any of us missing from any family event makes it feel incomplete. But if I trust anyone to represent the United States of America well, it's him.

During the Boston Marathon bombing, this unit flew directly into Watertown. But Dan said it better than I ever could:

"It was an honor for our crews to be a part, while only a small supporting part, of the amazing job the men and women of local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies did on the ground last week to restore safety in the Boston community. We offer a tip of the cap to your incredible work! Thanks for keeping us safe!"

Boston Strong means a little more to a unit that was called into action directly after the blasts and rushed into the city. These men and women risk their lives to keep us safe, whether it's foreign or domestic. 

So, if you can, share this video and tweet at Boston sports outlets. Let's try and get them to air the message and give a thanks back to the soldiers still in Afghanistan, keeping us safe. Go Sox!!!

As always, "Other things may change us, but we start and end with family."-AB

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Dogs Are Family Too

Anyone who knows me at all knows me knows that dogs are the way to my heart. Golden retrievers or yellow labs, specifically, but I'm not really one to discriminate. Unless it's one of those hairless dogs or a pug or bulldog. I know pugs are trendy I just don't think they're cute. Although I introduced them briefly in my first post, it only seemed appropriate to dedicate a full post to the canine members of my family.

I have to give a quick shout-out to the first dog I ever owned, who is the reason for my affection for Golden Retrievers.

Katie (age 2) and Me (Age 2)-Rockin' shades

Katie was sort of, unplanned. My Dad promised my brother Dan that he could have a puppy when he was getting his tonsils out. My mom responded with a hard no-she had 5 children to take care of. A puppy? Not happening. But then came Katie. Our family friends in Claryville had a litter of puppies and were basically giving them away, so just like that, the Quinn family got it's first Golden Retriever puppy who became my immediate best friend. While my brothers were rough housing and doing boy things, I would paint Katie's nails, dress her up, put barrettes in her hair, even take naps with her. My first friend was a dog, which probably explains why my family calls me "the dog whisperer." To this day, she is the most gentle and docile dog I have ever known.

Next we've got Maddie, who I think is Katie reincarnated, but sassier. After Katie passed, my parents were again, dead set on never getting another dog. But of course, that was ALLLLL I wanted for my 11th birthday. So, they told me if I researched and planned and coordinated I could get a puppy, probably anticipating that I'd give up. But I didn't and July 26, 2003, my little angel puppy came home and we've been inseparable ever since. She has (not that I'm biased), the best personality. She gives absolute, unconditional love to the people she deems worthy, which definitely isn't everyone. After coming home from 4 months of a semester abroad, she didn't even get up to say hi to my brother Pat. When I come through the door, she's all like, "WHERE DID YOU GO?!" and, "DON'T EVER LEAVE ME AGAIN!!" and then, "Hey where's my treat?" She does things on her own time, her way, and I've got to respect that. She's got us humans figured out pretty darn well. I think it's because she's part human herself, but I guess we'll never know. If it's true and dogs are like their owner, I'd be happy to be as sassy and stubborn as this old chica. Here's a short montage of Maddie:

Last, but certainly not least, we've got Nola. She is the newest addition to the Quinn clan and was rescued by Dan when he was in flight school in Alabama. She is a vivacious, fun, snuggly goofball and I love her to death. She's only 3, so I'd say she's still trying to figure herself out and her exuberance is misunderstood. But who can blame her? She moved 3 times before turning 1. But fear not, she has been living comfortably in a queen-sized bed with us for about 2 years now, eating 2 big meals a day, plenty of treats and packing on a solid 20 pounds. Maddie has successfully taught her how to drink out of the toilet bowl and beg for food so we'll call that relationship a success. She's become a best friend (or maybe annoying little sister) to Maddie and a part of our family. My plan is to record her and Dan seeing each other for the first time when he gets back from Afghanistan, which will definitely produce a few tears and smiles (from me at least). And here is Nola, in all her glory:

Do you have any stories about your pets? Comment or share!

A little different this time, but fitting. "A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself."-Josh Billings

Friday, October 18, 2013

The Dating Game

One of the most frequent reactions I receive when people hear I have four older brothers is, "OH MY GOODNESS, you poor thing, I can't imagine how you ever dated anyone." The answer is you don't. Until your brother leaves the high school and you finally experience freedom for the first time. Just kidding! But seriously, tell a guy you have four brothers and you might as well have an extremely contagious, terminal illness because that's how fast they'll run.

Growing up, my brothers used to joke and say things like, "You can't date until you're married. And you can't get married until you're 30." They were relentless; plotting what they'd say or do to any guy who tried to date me. To add insult to injury, all four of my brothers proceeded me in high school and I even overlapped with Pat for two years. I was always "Quinny's sister." Try rolling up to school everyday with your captain-of-the-football-team brother in a Ford F150 and then try and find a date to prom. Not going to happen.

Pat graduating high school was a BIG game changer. Free at last, free at last, thank the dating God's, I was free at last. I didn't have to worry about walking in the halls with a boy and all of a sudden feeling a large presence behind me, demanding the innocent, male walking partner leave me alone and get to class.

But then came actually DATING someone. My 16-year-old self was in totally uncharted territory. I started seeing someone, and of course my parents relayed the message to my brothers. Pat knew the guy from three years of going to high school with him (he was a year older than me) and seemed to (somewhat) approve. He was a nice guy, played golf, which proved to be KEY, and was as upstanding as a high school senior can be. As long as he didn't play soccer I knew I was in the clear. Soccer was an immediate disqualification according to my brothers (dually noted by me.)

Thus began the dating phase. And this is a picture from my prom. It speaks a thousand words.

Pat, my date (Pete), and my dad

Of course, Pat had to come home from college just to remind Pete big brother is ALWAYS watching. The acceptance process of the baby girl of the family having a boyfriend must have been difficult for my dad and brothers. After all, they are supposed to be my protectors and keep me out of trouble and away from teenage boys. But the inevitable happened and the men in my life were forced to loosen the dating reigns. 

Long story short, four and half years later Pete and I are still dating. Maybe it's because the probability of me finding any other suitable partner that gets along with all four brothers and my father is about as likely as hell freezing over. And I guess anyone who braves the five Quinn men for my affection deserves at least a little bit of credit.

Despite the years of torment, as much as it pains me to admit, and my bratty high school self would kill me for saying this, it turns out their influence was actually positive. It certainly deterred me from dating anyone who I couldn't see my brothers getting along with and separated the men from the boys. In return, I am always the first to meet any girl who comes into any of my brothers lives. The only difference is that a 5'2'' little blonde girl isn't all that threatening and I'm not too hard to impress. Nonetheless, I am the first to give the yay or nay, so I'll take it.

Regardless of how the future pans out as far as significant others are concerned, I know my brothers always have my best interest in mind. Even if that means joining a convent.

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As always, "Other things may change us, but we start and end with family."-AB

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

We Interrupt This Family for Football Season

When most people think of autumn in New England, they likely envision apple picking, pumpkin carving, brisk mornings and colorful foliage. For the Quinn family, fall is synonymous with one thing: football season. For at least 21 years (my entire lifetime), from late August until mid-January the Quinn's eat, sleep and breathe football. There must be some strand of DNA that we were all born with, mostly my brothers, but me by default, that gives us a passion for the game. Since I can remember, our family Christmas card has been a picture taken at the end of the Thanksgiving Day football game, where we'd all watch whichever brother was playing at the time, before going home for turkey. My first experience with football was at just four days old. I was born August 19th and pop warner preseason was starting for my brother Dan. This was just a slight foreshadow of my next 20 years. During one season, I attended 44 football games (4 brothers, 11 games per brother) and watched countless others. I don't watch a game and say things like, "the guy that hikes the ball," but instead anticipate the throw on third and long, understand the zone defense, know what "horse collar" means and can call a hold from a mile away. Luckily, I enjoyed every minute of watching my brothers play.

Conor, age 4, at the living room Superbowl 

Friday nights were made for high school football. Each week, my mom would order post-game food from a local catering company, make an apple crisp, and get ready for the relatives coming into town. We'd pile into the car and start the drive to wherever the game was being held, leaving more than enough time to be the first family in the stands and watch warm ups. During the game, my dad and other brothers would find any way possible to get themselves as close to the sidelines and action as they could, whether that meant having to befriend a local police officer or chat it up with a referee prior to kickoff. Somehow, they always managed to stand just outside the end zone with the best seats in the house.

Next came college football. Two of my brothers played all four years and one played for two years. I think the best day of my father's life was this one below:

Pat and Conor's teams facing off

It was the day Pat, as a freshman in college, and Conor, as a senior in college, played each other. During the kickoff, Pat and Conor ran toward each other, and for the first time, despite being on opposing teams, two brothers shared the field. It was definitely a proud and special moment for everyone.

Despite my (forced) love of football, the best part of these NESCAC college football days was, in my opinion, undoubtedly the tailgating. My dad would make us arrive around 8:30 am for a 12 or 1 pm start, which sometimes meant a 5 am wake up call. We'd set up our tent, Dan would cook breakfast sandwiches, and the day of football would begin. What's better than a fall day with family and tailgate food? In my book, not much.

Now that all my brothers have graduated from college and their own football-playing days, my family has decided to follow their favorite college team, Notre Dame, quite literally all over the world. Last year, my father and two of my brothers flew to Ireland to watch them play and this season, my dad and two other brothers are headed out to watch the Fighting Irish play the first Saturday of November. 

The new Quinn baby boy is arriving soon, and I think all the boys are hoping for a football player so the next generation of Quinn's can appreciate the game that has been woven into the fabric of our family. No matter where the games were, how long took it to get there, what the outcome was-the most important thing was to be there for each other. We're the loudest cheerers, the most enthusiastic spectators, biggest fans and proudest supporters. Every fall may mean football for my brothers, but for me, football is synonymous with family. It means spending Friday nights, all day Saturday, and even Sunday when the Patriots play, together. No matter what each week had in store, we'd reconnect on the weekends for a few days of fun, and at the end of it all, that's what was most important. 

As always, "Other things may change us, but we start and end with family." -AB

Thursday, October 10, 2013

A Party Without a Circus is Just a Gathering

Each fourth of July, most of my mother's side of the family gets together at our summer homes in the Catskill Mountains to celebrate and have a good old-fashioned American cookout. One of our traditions, since before I can remember, is to hold some sort of play or event. This past year, however, was definitely one for the books. In mid-June we received an email from the oldest great grand-child in our family, Caity. She's currently 8, just started third grade and is absolutely wise beyond her years (see email below):

Has anyone else ever received an email like this from an 8-year-old? I can't imagine many people have. What's amazes me most is that Caity facilitated, planned and put on a whole "circus" for about 100 people. We had popcorn, we had animals, we had clowns, we had a fire breather. We even had a girl on stilts. Everyone participated-young, old, friend, family, animal, human. Sure, we might have all looked like idiots dressed up in wigs and costumes, but we came together, created memories, and got some pretty great photos from the whole ordeal.

Dan, my fire breathing brother

A clown of course

We even had an aunt "shoot" out of a cannon

We might sound crazy. Our traditions might sound bizarre. You might think, "who are these people?" We're people who get together for holidays, who make fools of ourselves, who stick with traditions, who find a way to see each other once a year, despite the chaotic lives we all lead. And yeah, when an 8-year-old gives us the option to participate in a circus, we're going to do it. 

Fourth of July has always been my favorite holiday. When I was young, all my friends would say Christmas was their favorite or even halloween. Presents and candy? Hell yeah, I like those too. But the Fourth of July trumped those holidays for me then and it still does now. While the Fourth of July may just be another day for most people, maybe a cookout and some fireworks, for me, it's always meant family and there's nothing better than that. 

This is most of us on my mom's side right after the circus-just missing a few!

What family traditions do you have? What do they signify to you? Comment, share or tweet me your favorite family traditions!

As always, "Other things may change us, but we start and end with family."-AB

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

An Brief Introduction to The Quinn's

My family is gigantic. I mean, huge. My mom is one of 11 and I have over 45 cousins (I've lost count) on her side alone. My immediate family isn't small either. I'm the youngest in a family with four older brothers, spanning from two to 12 years older than me. For the purposes of this blog, I'll give a little synopsis on who everyone is, at least in my immediate family. We'll start with my parents, who are undoubtedly the glue that keeps this family together.

My parents, John (Dub) and Ellen (El Michelle,) (you'll learn that we all have nicknames), are high school sweethearts and have been married for 35 years. They still hold hands. They still snuggle on the couch. The older version of myself now appreciates this but 12-year-old Meaghan thought it was totally gross and embarrassing. El Michelle is a nurse and Dub works in IT and Finance and they've proved the American Dream is attainable without selling your soul to the devil. Here they are in the Wicklow Mountains in Ireland- (adorable, amiright?)

Next up is my oldest brother, Matt (nicknamed Rick), and his wife, Abby (nicknamed Abe, or as Matt likes to call her, Willis.) They're a package deal because they've been together for 13 years, which is a solid portion of my life. Matt works in marketing and Abby works at in insurance, but the real exciting stuff about them is that they're about to have a BABY BOY! He's arriving right around Thanksgiving, so stay tuned for that. They also have a 3-year-old Golden Retriever, Murph, who is absolutely adorable and loves to eat things off the counter. But he's precious, so we'll forgive him. Here are Matt and Abby (also in Ireland):

Next we have Dan (DQ). Dan's a Blackhawk pilot for the US Army National Guard and is currently serving in Afghanistan. He's pretty much a badass. Dan is the goofball of our family, the first to make you smile, the guy with the most Christmas Spirit you will ever meet and a huge inspiration to me. Say an extra prayer for him if you get a chance. Here's Dan in his Blackhawk:

Next, there is Conor (Bone). Conor lives and works in NYC in investment banking. His better half is his girlfriend, Meg, (not me), who is one of the nicest people I've met in this world. She should get a prize each day for dealing with Conor. Just kidding...kind of. Conor and I are the most similar-somewhat high-strung, stubborn, impatient, determined, passionate, steadfast in our beliefs. He's the middle child and I'm a girl, what do you expect? Here are Conor and Meg looking adorable as always in the Catskill Mountains:

Next, we have my youngest older brother, Pat (Pate). His life revolves around Cranberries (he works for Oceanspray), football, his girlfriend Alix, and having a blast. Pat has an infectious personality and is always the life of the party. He works hard and plays hard, which I've really got to commend him for. He's one of those people that has mastered the work-life balance and is really just an all-around great person. Although there are many incriminating pictures of Pat, I'll spare him the embarrassment (for now). Here are Pat and Alix just before graduating from Bates: 

Last, but CERTAINLY not least (especially in my book) are my dogs. They are my soul sistas and the greatest beings on the planet. I'll go into so much more detail about these angels eventually, don't you worry. Their names are Maddie and Nola. Maddie is my 10-year-old Golden Retriver. She's the peanut butter to my jelly. The milk to my oreo. The ying to my yang. Then we have Nola-she's technically Dan's dog, but has lived with us for 2 out of the 3 years of her life and will remain until Dan gets home. She's not technically mine but she might as well be. She is a 3-year-old Yellow Lab/Golden Retriever mix. She's a rambunctious, perfect, snuggly little nugget and I couldn't live without her. Here they are being perfect and amazing:



This is just an introduction and a basis for the stories I tell and the people I reference. There will be others mixed in between, but these people (and animals) are likely the focal points of my stories and where my world is centered. These stories and experiences with my family will be funny, happy, sad, but most of all, real. 

As always, "Other things may change us, but we start and end with family."-Anthony Brandt